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“We’re an African bank ! ”

THIERRY HEBRAUD, Chief Executive Officer of the Mauritius Commercial Bank
THIERRY HEBRAUD, Chief Executive Officer of the Mauritius Commercial Bank

The theme of this year’s Trade Week, “Enabling African Trade Growth with a Sustainability Lens,” underscores MCB’s commitment to sustainable trade practices. Before delving further, CEO Thierry Hebraud shared two significant achievements from this week. First, MCB was awarded the “Best Eastern African Bank for Trade Finance” by GTR, a well-respected organization in the trade sector. This award is a testament to MCB’s dedication to supporting trade across the African continent.


The second achievement is MCB’s certification as an “Equal Salary Employer,” the first African bank to receive this certification. This accomplishment reflects MCB’s long-standing commitment to gender pay equity, a cornerstone of its sustainability efforts. It’s a result of consistent work by MCB’s management and teams, demonstrating the bank’s engagement with social justice issues.


Returning to the broader theme of Trade Week, Thierry Hebraud explained why MCB is focused on Africa. “We’re an African bank,” he stated. Over the past two decades, MCB has expanded beyond Mauritius, establishing a regional presence in the Indian Ocean, including Seychelles, Madagascar, the Maldives, Réunion, and Mozambique. About ten years ago, MCB extended its African footprint by focusing on the oil and gas sector. Although controversial, this sector plays a critical role in supporting Africa’s transition, as 600 million Africans still lack access to electricity. MCB’s support for oil and gas is part of the broader transition towards a more developed Africa.


 However, MCB is also investing in renewable energy projects in Africa, highlighting its balanced approach to sustainability. Thierry Hebraud point-ed out that if MCB were a European or North American bank, the strategy might be different. As an African bank, the focus is on supporting the continent’s unique needs.


Thierry Hebraud pointed out that if MCB were a European or North American bank, the strategy might be different. As an African bank, the focus is on supporting the continent’s unique needs.


Thierry Hebraud also highlighted the resilience of Africa amid glob-al geopolitical challenges. While the world grapples with conflicts like the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israeli-Pal-estinian conflict, Africa remains focused on business, transformation, and growth. This resilience might be partly due to the exodus of many large inter-national banks from the continent, creating opportunities for African banks like MCB to step in and bring their expertise.


 MCB’s commitment to supporting African business growth is evident in its emphasis on intra-African trade and connections with international markets. Trade Week serves as a platform for exchanging ideas, exploring new developments, and engaging with stakeholders to find ways to work together for continued growth.


 Thierry Hebraud concluded by emphasising that the success of African trade depends on collaborative efforts. “It’s crucial to have this exchange, to listen, and to work together to keep developing both intra-African and international trade,” he said. With this approach, MCB aims to play a leading role in supporting African

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