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“We need to gear up, learn more, and forge more partnerships ”

ARNAUD LEVASSEUR, Team Leader, Global Trade Solutions, MCB

What is the essence of the MCB Trade Week?

MCB Trade Week is all about promoting the significance of trade, particularly in the context of Africa. As an Afri­can bank, MCB focuses on strengthening African trade, and Trade Week serves as a platform to share key trends and foster partnerships. This year’s theme is about ena­bling African trade growth with a sustainability perspec­tive, which aligns with global business priorities. The aim is to explore how sustainability can be integrated into Af­rican trade.


What are some key highlights from this edition of Trade Week?

The most striking aspect for me is the enthusiasm among our clients and entrepreneurs who view Africa with a pos­itive outlook. Additionally, MCB’s internal teams are ready to capitalise on these opportunities and craft solutions to help clients reach new heights. What makes me most proud is the broader impact this has on our African broth­ers and sisters—by creating employment, providing educa­tion, and improving quality of life. These end beneficiaries are a key focus for us.


Sustainability has been a central theme at Trade Week. How do you connect trade with sustainability in more detail?

It’s a complex topic, but ultimately, trade and sustainabil­ity are intrinsically linked. As Dr Rebecca Harding high­lighted, promoting trade can drive economic development, which in turn supports sustainable development goals. Sustainability encompasses environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) factors. The ‘S’ in this context refers to the social aspect. Our role is to emphasise the social dimension, ensuring that trade promotes broader social benefits.

A good example is to see how african business are inte­grating in their business model local production energy efficient equipment and supporting local economy in their trade.


It’s about enabling African trade growth with a sustainability lens, as sustainability is a top priority for businesses worldwide.


How significant is Africa to the MCB Group’s strategy?

Africa is a core part of MCB’s strategic vision. As both our bank and group CEOs have noted, promoting African trade is central to our mission. While we’ve focused on trade within Mauritius, the next phase for MCB involves expanding our support to clients across Africa in partner­ship with local banks. This aligns with our sustainability goals, fostering local economic development that brings ripple effects to the community.


MCB is already active in Africa. What challenges and opportunities do you face in expanding further?

Our experience so far has been both positive and chal­lenging. Entrepreneurs face various hurdles, and we’re at an early stage in promoting African trade, often on a cli­ent-by-client basis. We participate in African conferences to increase MCB’s presence and collaborate with other Af­rican banks to reduce the trade finance gap.

However, there are challenges. For instance, some deals may carry risks that do not align with the bank’s risk appetite. We must act responsibly and cannot finance everything. That said, it’s an evolving journey. We need to bring the right partners to the table, learn from our clients, and tailor solutions to meet their needs. Ultimately, we are committed to supporting African trade and believe we’re on the right path. We need to gear up, learn more, and forge more partnerships

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