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Kelly Beaver, CEO of Ipsos UK & Ireland

“Leadership today is about understanding the context, anticipating expectations, and acting authentically”

Kelly Beaver, CEO of Ipsos UK & Ireland
  • “People are looking for answers in an unstable world, and they are turning to businesses to provide them”
  • “Success lies in empathy and understanding the broader societal landscape”


In her presentation at the Dale Carnegie Executive Think Tank, Kelly Beaver, CEO of Ipsos UK & Ireland, highlighted the evolving expectations of consumers, the role of businesses in climate action, and the shifting dynamics of globalization. “The trends we observe are not just snapshots of opinion but indicators of deeper, long-term changes in societal values,” she explained.  Discussing public sentiment on climate action, she remarked, “The debate is no longer about whether action is needed but about what should be done, who should do it, and when.” Addressing the critical role of business leaders, she added, “People are looking for answers in an unstable world, and they are turning to businesses to provide them.”

Among the key speakers of the Dale Carnegie Executive Think Tank was Kelly Beaver, CEO of Ipsos UK & Ireland, who presented insights from Ipsos’ Global Trends study. Her address explored themes such as globalization, climate change, trust, and the growing expectations placed on business leaders. Drawing from one of the most extensive studies of its kind, she provided data-backed insights to help leaders understand the forces driving public opinion and behaviour in an increasingly complex world.


Kelly Beaver introduced the Ipsos Global Trends study as a longitudinal project that tracks attitudes, opinions, and behaviours across 50 markets, representing 74% of the global population and 90% of global GDP. Reflecting on this vast dataset, she remarked:


The trends we observe are not just snapshots of opinion but indicators of deeper, long-term changes in societal values. Understanding these shifts allows leaders to anticipate and adapt to an evolving world,” she said.


The study, which has been running for over a decade, highlights how global macro forces intersect with local dynamics, offering a nuanced view of the challenges and opportunities businesses face today.


Kelly Beaver explored the evolving narrative around globalization, challenging the notion that it is losing favour globally. According to Ipsos data, public sentiment toward globalization remains broadly positive: “Over the last decade, we’ve seen a rise in the proportion of people who believe globalization benefits their country. This includes not only export-heavy and emerging markets but also countries where globalization has faced criticism.”


While the overall perception of globalization is improving, she noted that fractures persist at the micro level. She highlighted how attitudes toward global brands provide insight into these nuances: “Emerging economies view global brands as prestigious and higher in quality, while developed nations, traditionally more sceptical, are now showing increased openness to global brands. This convergence signals a shift in how globalization is perceived on a personal and societal level.” She underscored the importance of these shifts for businesses, noting that aligning with evolving consumer attitudes presents opportunities for growth and differentiation.

The debate is no longer about whether action is needed but about what should be done, who should do it, and when.

Climate change emerged as another theme in her address. She noted widespread agreement among global citizens about the need for urgent action, with eight in ten respondents believing that environmental disaster is imminent unless habits change. However, the challenge lies in moving from consensus to actionable solutions: “The debate is no longer about whether action is needed but about what should be done, who should do it, and when. This is where the complexity arises, as different groups have differing expectations and willingness to act”, she stated.


Kelly Beaver highlighted the role businesses can play in addressing climate challenges: “There is a clear public appetite for businesses to take the lead. Eight in ten people believe companies should pay more attention to their environmental impact, and many think governments should regulate corporate actions more closely.” She noted that stepping into this leadership gap offers businesses an opportunity to build trust and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.


A recurring theme in Kelly Beaver’s presentation was the growing importance of trust. Consumers increasingly expect businesses to reflect their values, and this alignment is becoming a critical driver of brand loyalty. “Trust is not just a nice-to-have; it is fundamental to a brand’s value proposition. Consumers want to buy from companies that resonate with their personal values, and they expect leaders to act with authenticity.”


Kelly Beaver cited the rise of veganism as an example of how consumer values are shaping markets, noting the growth of vegan pet food as a reflection of this trend. However, she cautioned that aligning with values requires careful consideration: “Authenticity is key. Brands that fail to understand their context or connect with their audience’s expectations risk backlash. Success lies in empathy and understanding the broader societal landscape.”


In a world she described as being in “a period of flux,” leaders are being called upon to address societal challenges alongside traditional business goals. “People are looking for answers in an unstable world, and they are turning to businesses to provide them. This presents an opportunity for leaders who can act with purpose and clarity”, she explained.


She encouraged leaders to focus on clear communication, empathy, and alignment with societal needs: “Clarity about who you are, what you stand for, and how your actions contribute to society is critical. Leadership today is about understanding the context, anticipating expectations, and acting authentically.”


Kelly Beaver’s presentation offered a comprehensive view of the global trends shaping public opinion and their implications for business leadership. Key takeaways included:


  • Globalization: Despite challenges, the public’s perception of globalization remains positive, presenting opportunities for businesses to leverage global-local dynamics.
  • Climate Action: Businesses are increasingly expected to lead on environmental issues, with a clear opportunity to build trust through sustainable practices.
  • Trust and Values: Consumers value authenticity and alignment with their personal values, making trust a critical component of business success.
  • Leadership Expectations: Leaders are expected to address societal challenges, from inequality to environmental sustainability, while maintaining clarity and purpose in their actions.


This is a time of opportunity for leaders who are willing to adapt and act with purpose. By understanding the trends shaping society and aligning with public expectations, businesses can not only navigate these challenges but thrive in the process”, she underscored.

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